New moon in Leo, and Lughansdah or First Harvest Celebrations

Friday, August 2, 2019 12:10pm

At home, having awakened from a long sleep since Monday evening, this morning out to the shops at 8am, coffee, fresh berries, vegetable stand, fish monger and home to write about last weekend’s adventures.

Everything went to plan. There were a few deviations and a couple of tiny events that got moved, yet overall, it was an amazing, fulfilling and gorgeous weekend, filled with love, more love, and so much love.

I’m full to the brim and seeped in GRATITUDE.

Here are the highlights:

— two nights in glorious comfort at my brother and his wife‘s beautiful home in Chemainus, a lot of laughs, and further deepening our relationships

— lunch with a dear cousin and a drive on one of the most beautiful of summer days to Maple Bay and Genoa Bay

— the most touching and amazing visit with an auntie (my mom’s late brother’s first wife)

— a tea stop to share some loving words and a hug with my son’s auntie at her work

— impromptu lunch with a school chum, connections that feel good

— seeing and holding my sister in my arms for real, after almost 3 years, so much to talk about, share and re-discover together

— three nights with the mother of my dear long-time friend: such a special connection; spending time together, delighting in each other’s company, and so enjoyed her cooking!

— attending a beautiful workshop with my teacher Carmen Spagnola and the amazing artist Rachael Rice, honouring Lughnasadh with arts and crafts, and the most gorgeous luncheon prepared by Carmen and husband Ruben at their home

— my brother and his wife arranged a wonderful lunch with my sister and me, allowing us all to be together, to laugh and develop our relationships further; so wonderful and good for all of us

— an impromptu shopping trip on my last day with my beautiful sister at Knotty by Nature fibre arts store in Fairfield (Victoria), a candy store for people like me and my sister who love all things woollen

My travel experiment worked very well, with only a few incidents (a couple of times I was close to panic but was able to calm myself down), and there were quite a few times when I needed a “time-out” to regroup either while doing an activity or between activities (i.e., not able to talk or do anything because of overwhelm). 

However…….. just being away from home for 5 days, and following my itinerary of activities, arriving on time, etc., was  an  amazing  feat! 

Amazing! Yay!

I am grateful. So very, very grateful.. to everyone who held me so gently this weekend, allowed me to be, who gave me space, and who held beautiful and loving space for me to walk and be as I needed to be on this healing journey. 


This past weekend was the First Harvest celebration in pagan or old ways in Western Europe, Lughnasadh in Gaelic or Lunastal in Scotland, when berries are ripe and the first hay is gathered. It is a time to celebrate and give thanks.

On this New Moon in Leo, we are encouraged to approach our lives with gusto and bravery. As I approach my time of healing with as much courage as I can muster, I will be thinking of you all too, that you will be able to approach your desires (and troubles too) with free-flowing Lion-like energy. Roaarrrr! 


Image: Moça no trigal (Young woman in wheat field), circa 1916, painting by Eliseu Visconti, Brazilian 1866-1944 (born Eliseo d’Angelo Visconti in Italy, emigrated to Brazil 1873).

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