Nail Rehab Update..
I’m learning to manage my anxiety. Baby steps, really. It’s happening slowly, without being focused on anxiety, per se. One area I’m working on: finding new things to do when I’m tired and have what...
aiming to refit into service.. the well-loved and broken.. using beautiful patches
I’m learning to manage my anxiety. Baby steps, really. It’s happening slowly, without being focused on anxiety, per se. One area I’m working on: finding new things to do when I’m tired and have what...
My introduction to Kiya Tabassian’s ensemble, Constantinople, was from watching this amazing performance on video several years ago. From many accounts since, this very performance was magical with the “marriage” of the Montreal-based Constantinople with...
Some of my friends and family know the impact Stephen Jenkinson’s work has had on my life. His bestselling book “Die Wise” and earlier film about Stephen, “Griefwalker,” led me to study with the Conscious...