My personal stories.. words. some meaningful.. Mostly need saying.

Lumara’s Kaleidoscope conference

Just finished witnessing a wonderful session with Heather Plett speaking at the 2022 Kaleidoscope Conference, online this morning, on the first day of three. I’ve taken the foundations course at Heather & Krista’s Centre for Holding Space,...

Deactivate your account

Twitter will delete your account 30 days after it is deactivated. How to deactivate your Twitter account on desktop and mobile: To start the Twitter web app, click “More” in the left-side menu, then choose...

Christmas hats

For the past few months, I’ve been making hats. The first one was a beautiful hat, but when time came to size it, it was far too big. And I’ve already washed it. So, I...

Happy Solstice

As I lean into this Winter Solstice, I realize my dreams, my meditations now take me ever deeper. It seems right and easier to sink below the miasma and din, to a layer beneath, in...

Symptomatic stitching

Pushing edges this morning. After an early med appointment, sitting in a busy coffee shop. Minding my own business. Sinking all anxiety and symptomatic pain into my work. Breath by breath, stitch by stitch. ❤️

As I am.. I am.

Please know that I recognize my privilege. Even with my struggles, I am extremely blessed to have enough food, clean water, a safe home for me and my son, and all our needs are met....

Late start to Autumn

Everyone seems to be raking leaves across the region.. Now that we have a few days of sunshine before it rains again. It’s late in the season for the trees to change colour and drop...

Waking up

I am grateful because.. I love mornings. When my sister and I were young, my mother would come into the room we shared and with mischievous joy, Mom would sing the following verse as she...

Blessing the Threshold

Today, as in these past weeks, I am working on myself. Today I am working on Receiving. It feels shameful to me, sometimes, that I myself, in the midst of so much privilege, that I...

In the Footsteps of Rumi

My introduction to Kiya Tabassian’s ensemble, Constantinople, was from watching this amazing performance on video several years ago. From many accounts since, this very performance was magical with the “marriage” of the Montreal-based Constantinople with...